Robert Scoble

Scoble: an utterly tone deaf response to harassment allegations Paid Members Public
One way or another, Robert Scoble has featured a fair amount on this blog. A quick search reveals that he’s been mentioned 34 times over the last 10 years. I admired his work bringing a human face to Microsoft, back in the day, and I have many friends that
LeWeb: The delightful, dangerous, diversifying drone debate Paid Members Public
A LeWeb session on drones, curated by Mr Robert Scoble []. Robert Scoble Robert loosely puts drones in three categories: * Toys – and other things you’ll chase your cat with * Professional drones – made to carry cameras and other payloads. * B2B drones – soil analysers for farmers, architectural
I have seen Glass Paid Members Public
[] A close encounter of the Google Glass kind… (You can watch Scoble talking Glass [], if thats your thing…)
Le Web: Mobile Apps Paid Members Public
A good chunk of the morning has been taken up with talking about mobile, and its role in the future of the web. Jack Dorsey’s talk was about [Square](, his platform for mobile payments.The [Le Web iPhone app](
Le Web 03 '07: Scoble Leaving Podtech Paid Members Public
Robert Scoble [] has just confirmed the TechCrunch story that he’s leaving PodTech [] . During the question and answers section of the video session he was challenged on the story, and confessed that he’s leaving PodTech [http://www.podtech.
Le Web 3 '07: Live Videoblogging Paid Members Public

Le Web 3 '07: Philippe Starck: Better Sex Through Furniture Paid Members Public
One of the most peripheral presentations has just turned into one of the most interesting. Robert Scoble [] briefly hijacked Philippe Starck’s presentation by presenting him with an Amazon Kindle, in the interests of getting a design critique. Starck’s verdict? He suggested you need the minimum