#b2bhuddle : Kimberley Brind Members Public

[] Liveblogging: errors, grammar mistakes and odd sentence structure likely… **Kimberley Brind, global marketing executive and social strategist, Oracle** ** **She’s going to talk about a controversial topic: ROI. Most people just roll their eyes at it.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web: Getting Real with Corporate Social Media Members Public

![Brian Solis]( Solis-thumb-200x133-1525.jpg) [] There seems to be a pleasing trend against social media idealism and towards the hard reality faced by people doing this stuff day-in, day-out. As [Brian Solis]

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Niall Cook on Corporate Social Networking Members Public

WhatConnecting– people want to connect with other people, as well as content and information. They do that using social software outside the organisation. Bring that inside the network.Communicate– we all have a human need to communicate. Lots of lessons in how pople use the social web, and bring it

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth