
Climate Crisis: Bringing science and journalism together Paid Members Public
How do we communicate the science of climate change effectively? How do we walk between the poles of advocacy and false debate? A panel addressed this critical journalism issue at the News Impact Summit in Birmingham.

Drink black coffee? You may be a psycho Paid Members Public
Delish’s Megan Friedman []: > Drinking your coffee black might be the healthiest way to get caffeine, but it might also be a sign that you’re a total monster—at least according to a new study, which finds that people who prefer
LeWeb: Adam Gazzaley will fix your brain with neurogames Paid Members Public
[] What’s the state of the art of improving cognition? Take a 60 year old with attention impairment. Well, he’s unlikely to get functional brain imaging. So, he’ll be diagnosed and given a drug. Right
Why did the Evening Standard focus on an engineer's sex appeal? Paid Members Public
An e-mail from the Ada Lovelace Day folks dropped into my in-box the other day, mentioning that Roma Agrawal [] would be speaking at Ada Lovelace Day Live [] . That set a little alarm ringing in
#leweb - Ramez Naam and our cyborg future Paid Members Public
Liveblog of Ramez Naam [] talking at LeWeb Paris 2013 The coming cyborg Invasive cyborg technology is coming – wired contact lens, the pill cam which travels through your intestines taking 30 FPS photos and sending them wirelessly. All of those are awesome – but what happens when we network

Matter: is its long-form science journalism worth reading? Paid Members Public
How is Kickstarted long-form science journalism startup Medium performing? Pretty well, so far…