search engines

Afternoon Coffee Reading Members Public

Tech companies want AI search — but is it sustainable? Plus, the rise of WhatsApp audience engagement.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
AI-infused search robots wreaking an economic apocalypse on the world

Is AI search a sideshow, or a potential economic apocalypse? Members Public

Will AI-infused search be the end of publishing economics as we know it? Or is the hype outrunning the utility?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Why Google's Core Web Vitals update is going to hit medium-sized publishers hard Members Public

Major changes are coming to Google next year - and the technical burden of them are likely to fall disproportionatly on the middle rank of publishers.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

SEO: big changes are coming to nofollow - here's what you need to know Members Public

Google is making the first big change to "nofollow" in a decade and a half. Here's what you should know.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

SEOs buying up defunct URLs linked to by major news sites Members Public

The black hat SEO business has a new trick - and publishers should be careful of their old links.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

MailOnline takes brutal hit from Google algorithm update Members Public

A MailOnline SEO has admitted to a big traffic hit from a Google change.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Google knocks Facebook off the referral traffic top spot Members Public

About four years ago, social traffic eclipsed traffic from search, across publishers generally. And by “social traffic”, I largely mean “Facebook”. That era appears to have passed. According to data from, a real-time analytics platform, Google is back on top: Conrad Lee, writing on the blog

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience development

Google's Top Stories algorithm is failing to detect authoritative sources Members Public

This is a pretty significant Google algorithm fail: > Also, apparently Google is putting 4chan threads in their top story unit now? So, the number one hit for his name is a /pol/ thread. [] — Ryan Broderick (@broderick) October 2, 2017 [https://twitter.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth