
Google Goes Instant. Death of SEO Predicted (Again) Members Public

So. Google Instant Search. My instant reaction was “gimmick”. After a bit of a play reached I reached the dizzy heights of “entertaining gimmick”. This [post by Steve Rubel]( has me thinking, though:> Here’s what this means: no two people will see the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web: Marissa Mayer of Google Members Public

Marissa Mayer’s appearances at LeWeb have never been particularly noteworthy []. She’s very good at giving the corporate line persuasively, but rarely gives out anything really juicy. It’s good to see Mike Arrington doing the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web 08: Startup Competition Finalists Members Public

Update: Surprise guest judge – [Christine Lagarde](, is on stage. She’s the French Finance Minister.WiFi permitting, I’ll post ’em here as they appear:1. [Zoover]( – a site for user-generated travel reviews. 2. [Webnode](http://www.webnode.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
christine lagarde

Le Web 08: Marissa Mayer Members Public

The WiFi problems continue at LeWeb, so liveblogging is hard-to-impossible. However, I have a load of notes, and I’ll try to get them online before the Techcrunch party tonight. However, Marissa Mayer, vice president, search products and user experience at Google, said a few blog-worthy things that are rapidly

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Technorati Oddness Explained Members Public

I though Technorati was behaving a little oddly a week or so back. Turns out they had some issues []. Just stumbled across the post while doing some research for an event tomorrow. Time to subscribe to the Technorati Blog [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web 3 '07: Jason Calacanis on Spam Pollution Members Public

Google is starting to smack down spam, but it’s still an issue – affiliate links.Calacanis had some suggestions for the attendees about how to manage this: - Build curation into your service. - Police your service - Reduce anonymity without reducing freedom - Punish bad peopleUsers have to “own

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth