Social Media
Posts about social media platforms, how to use them and techniques for getting the best results.

The humour and morality void at the heart of Meta Paid Members Public
A new book is confirming every dark suspicion we had about Facebook

Caught between a Musk and a hard place Paid Members Public
Following the diktats of the MemeMan gets much harder under the harsh eye of parliamentary scrutiny.

Your coffee reading, or the Monday linkdump Paid Members Public
For your amusement and edification as you sip your coffee

Audience Strategy: further reading Paid Members Public
Some links, mainly for my Audience Strategy students - but of possible interest to others.

TikTok made me love it Paid Members Public
A new genre of fiction is filling up the bestseller lists. And guess what's putting it there?
Five telling quotes Paid Members Public
Five pieces worth your times โ and quotes that show you why.

Rule 1: Never trust Facebook Paid Members Public
Zuckerberg is MAGAing Facebook and Instagram. But he's always done what suits the company, not what helps the users.

Journalism is a social process: we need to connect with our audience Paid Members Public
Building an audience is a skilful dance, combining numbers, instinct โ and good, old-fashioned conversations.
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