social media politics

Three questions about the UK's journalism landscape after the General Election result Paid Members Public
A major shift in the political landscape of the UK raises some critical questions about the role of truth and journalism in the social media mindscape.
Election Watch 2019 #1: Lies, Leaks and Dead Squirrels Paid Members Public
Connecting up some of the reporting about the use of misinformation and propaganda during the 2019 UK general election.
Why political posts on Facebook will always be polarizing. Paid Members Public
The very nature of Facebook makes in antithetical to political debate.

What will the next generation of social media-savvy politicians look like? Paid Members Public
An attempt to mock Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for dancing in a video when she was a student opens up the question of how social media will impact the next generation of politicians.

To Understand Today's Politics, Let Go Of Digital Snobbery Paid Members Public
The last couple of years of campaigning – especially the last UK general election, the Scottish referendum with its “cyber-nats”, the Brexit vote and the Trump election – have made it plain to many that there’s a new set of elements at work in the public discourse – and they’re digitally-driven.
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