Life in the livestream; liveblogging and the news cycle - #newsrw Paid Members Public
[] How are news organisations dealing with stream publishing? Kathryn Corrick directs the flow… Jason Mills, editor, web for ITV News: the ITV site is built on a stream. it shows that you don’t have to be a station to have a news channel. Raju
links for 2006-01-27 Paid Members Public
* [Storytellers Unplugged: THEME MUSIC ](’m fascinated by the link between music and writing.(tags: music [] writing []) * [Serenity made of Lego](
Joe Who? Paid Members Public
[]( "photo sharing")Joe Who? [], originally uploaded by Adam Tinworth []. Am I meant to know who
The Pooh Sticks World Championship Paid Members Public
I don’t know whether I should be delighted or horrified that the BBC is devoting resources to covering the World Pooh-Sticks Championship [] when we’re on the brink of war. On the other hand, I am hugely amused that
Guardian man cracks up... Paid Members Public
It could be that this article [,12864,914033,00.html] is for Comic Relief. I do hope it isn’t, though. The bitterness with which this Guardian journalist speaks about London seems too real, too heartfelt to be part of some