
Can we be honest about user data? Members Public

You know, the publishing business might not be doing itself any favours with its fervent opposition to the Apple subscription terms [] . The more posts like this [] that appear,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Some Afternoon Coffee Links Members Public

A couple of interesting links, that make an excellent *aperitif *to my last post: - [The Newsonomics of Apple/Press+/Google’s pay-for-all]( – nice breakdown of the key issues around the Apple subs model, publishers’ reaction to it and the relevance of the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

A Little Devil's Advocacy on iPad Subs Members Public

The whole discussion about the charging structure for subscriptions that Apple announced earlier in the week has left me rather bamboozled. It feels like rather a lot of people have missed something rather important about this iPad thingamajig. You see, there’s a super-secret way to get all your content

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Cross-platform subs: sign of The Times Members Public

[] Spotted on my morning commute: heavy promotion for subscriptions to *The Times* as a cross-platform offer.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Possibly more significant than The Daily Members Public

[] Following on from yesterday’s launch of The Daily [] , iTunes has changed its terms and conditions. Above is a screenshot from

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

About that iPad mag subscriptions panic Members Public

[]I saw a lot of buzz overnight about Apple not allowing magazine subscriptions on the iPad [] , and OMG how is the iPad going to save us now? Steve, you have betrayed us! Except, well, that’s

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How I Use Feed Subscriptions: Part 1 Members Public

Dan [] recently asked how many RSS (or atom) feeds I subscribe to [], and how I manage them. Let’s start with how many. Well, in my main subscription group, I have just shy

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth