
Posts about the newsletter platform that’s slowly pivoting towards a member-publishing aggregator.

Matt Yglesias leaves Vox for Substack: is he doing a Newton or a Sullivan? Members Public

Another writer mired in controversy leaves a Vox Media publication to start his own newsletter. What’s happening here?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Better tools for better online communities Members Public

Five quick links about online abuse of local journalists, Facebook’s attempt to cleanse its groups, and some community-centric publishing tools.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
online harassment

Casey Newton's shift to Substack shows how newsletters are changing Members Public

On the day he breaks another major Facebook story, Verge tech editor Casey Newton jumps ship for the Substack way

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Cancel Culture afterlife: Glinner and Substack Members Public

Where do you go, if you've been banned from Twitter? Off to the newsletter platform, to start building an audience - and a revenue stream - there.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The next wave of indie media, the Twitch ban hammer and Google's wallet Members Public

Twitch and Reddit ban things, Google might start paying for things, and podcasts still have indie cred. What a way to start the week.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth