What Does Facebook Like Do For Blog Traffic? Paid Members Public
The Typepad team have just published a graph of referrals from Facebook [http://everything.typepad.com/blog/2010/06/facebook-like-integration-typepad-blog-stats.html] since they made Facebook Like available as an option for their users: [![Facebook referrals to Typepad](https://i1.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2010/06/6a00d83451c82369e20133f0d2fd60970b-pi-thumb-520x278-1660.png?
Monetising Conversation Paid Members Public
Six Apart have added an interesting feature to their Typepad [http://www.typepad.com/] hosted blogging platform. Typepad Conversations [http://everything.typepad.com/blog/2010/05/six-apart-announces-typepad-conversations.html] is reminiscent of Vox [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vox_%28blogging_platform%29] ‘s QotD – a daily question which people can answer
Innovation in Blog Platforms Paid Members Public
Occasionally in recent months, I’ve bemoaned the lack of innovation in blog platforms. However, I’m not being very precise in my use of language there. What I actually mean is the lack of innovation in self-hosted blog platforms – ones you actually upload to your own servers. In the
More on the WordPress Hackings Paid Members Public
A couple of interesting posts have cropped up since I posted about the WordPress problems [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2009/09/the_wordpress_attack_competition_and_blo.html] over the weekend. Kevin Anderson has followed up, looking at the security risks [http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/sep/
Blogging Your Way Out of the Hackopalypse? Paid Members Public
In a meeting earlier, I made a throw-away remark about the publishing news being so bad between now and next spring that all our journalists will be scared stiff. I was joking. But judging by the news coming in (hat tip to Heidi from Computer Weekly [http://twitter.com/computerweekly]