web video
After the Flip: We're all polycamerous now Paid Members Public
This morning, a tweeted link on Twitter lead to a conversation that went a little like this: [View the story “Coming out as polycamerous” on Storify] [http://storify.com/adders/coming-out-as-polycamerous]And the more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that this was the true
The end of the Flip as we know it? Paid Members Public
 Both TechCrunch [http://techcrunch.com/2011/04/12/cisco-to-shut-down-flip-video-business-will-give-pink-slips-to-550-employees/] and The Next Web [http://thenextweb.com/gadgets/2011/04/12/cisco-kills-flip-video-camera-line/] are reporting that Cisco is killing the Flip line [http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Cisco-Restructures-Consumer-Business-NASDAQ-CSCO-1426209.
Forget £8000 Video Cameras - Use a Laptop Paid Members Public
We’re doing lots of work on video at RBI in the moment, much of it shepherded by Andrew [http://engagement101.blogspot.com]. One recurring theme we here is how we need to do really high quality stuff – and usually they mean technical quality rather than content quality. Our highest
Quality Online Video Strategy for Journalists Paid Members Public
We’ve been having a couple of meetings about video here in RBI towers over the last few weeks. I always recommend our video virgin hacks check our Andy Dickinson’s blog [http://www.andydickinson.net/], because he gets this stuff so right… I think this video he produced recently
Ask Before You Snap'n'Post Paid Members Public
One of the areas where the lovely Lorna and I tend to disagree is in the whole Web 2.0, life-lived-in-public thing. At her request, the majority of the pictures of my wife that go up on the internet go under some form of privacy protection, such as that on
Microsoft's Silverlight Video in Beta Paid Members Public
[https://i0.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/logo_main_sl.gif] You can download a beat of Microsoft’s challenge to flash video at the Silverlight site [http://www.microsoft.com/silverlight/]. It’s cross-platform and cross-browser compatible, which is a pretty major step for everyone’s favourite convicted monopolists.