
Facebook is the out-of-town supermarket of the web, so let's learn to browse local Paid Members Public
Jason Kottke on why Facebook won: [https://kottke.org/17/12/stop-using-facebook-and-start-using-your-browser] > […] using Facebook instead of just bookmarks is compelling in the same way that shopping at Walmart instead of small-town shops was in the 80s. We blame Walmart for decimating small businesses, but ultimately, small town shoppers chose
Web versus native apps Paid Members Public
John Gruber [http://daringfireball.net/linked/2015/04/22/skipping-the-web]: > The web is great. I love the web. I continue to publish my life’s work on the web. But what the web is great for is only what it was designed for: publishing HTML pages. For everything else,

LeWeb: Tim Berners-Lee and the societal impact of the web Paid Members Public
The inventor of the web has some serious concerns about its future — and some amazing tales about its past.
And now - a message from the Department of Dirty Paid Members Public
It’s for your protection. You don’t want to be dirty [http://www.departmentofdirty.co.uk], do you?

IndieWeb - Kevin Marks on the web that will win (LeWeb 13) Paid Members Public
Can we reclaim the open web from the closed social silos? Kevin Marks thinks so…