
Life of the homepage, Atlantic style Paid Members Public
Some really interesting research from The Atlantic [] , which seems to confirm a pet theory of mine: > Readers mental model is much different than our own. Those that use the homepage treat it as an index of the site’s content, not a subset. And

The website obesity crisis Paid Members Public
Websites are getting obese – and we should care [] I neglected to link this when it first came out – but it’s a really provoking read on how quickly website sizes are spiralling out of control on a per page basis: > The article
Unlimited no more Paid Members Public
[] It feels like a long, long time ago now that the Guardian website was called “Guardian Unlimited”.
HTML for journalists - free Paid Members Public
Knight Mozilla is running a free, two hour basic HTML course for journalists: > Are you a journalist who is interested in getting an introduction to tags, html, and all that extra text you see if you “view source” on an article in your content management system? Do you want
Diet time for web pages… Paid Members Public
While most of us pack on the pounds over Christmas, it appears that web pages have been doing it all year long [] : > The HTTP Archive charted the growth of the average web page and found that average web pages have grown from

dConstruct 2010: John Gruber on why your site needs an auteur Paid Members Public
dConstruct is proving to be more a cultural conference rather than a design or tech one. And I don’t mean cultural in the “theatre, opera, arts, daaaahling” sense. No, it’s about the culture that surrounds the making of a good website. I think this has been clearest in
dConstruct 2010: discomfort, irritation and reducing Paid Members Public
I’m down in Brighton for dConstruct [], a conference I’ve heard plenty about over the years, but never actually managed to attend. And so far, it’s proving an interesting morning. It’s certainly challenging some of the preconceived notions I see in play in