#media140 : Can you change a brand in 140 characters?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
…and the panel seem to be talking around it rather than at it. And we’re on to mobile instead.
And Scott has twittered a picture of us all. The excitement. 
Nuria Garrido from BA (@ng01): Social media gives you the revenue potential. You can’t segment your audience on social media sites. So we can’t push information just to people in the UK or Europe. You need to work out what’s important to you as a brand. It may not be the revenue, it may be building relationships with users you don’t normally talk to. 
And now, a challenge from the audience: why not give some real examples. And now we have an example of a Wimbledon Google Android phone app used by IBM in their guest boxes, giving better data about what was happening. 
Robin talked about helping Skype and DirectGov, but in a lack of detail, frankly.
Mel Exon of BBH Labs (@bbhlabs): Huge shift from short-term campaigns to platforms and programmes. We’re having to rethink everything we do in a social space. 
Gareth: social media is forcing us to rethink our whole business model (see pretty much every other post on this blog for more on that. 😉 )
I’ve somewhat lost interest in this panel really – there’s too much “use social media to engage! It’s a revolutionary idea!” and not enough “Here’s what works and what doesn’t”. Baby steps stuff.
brandingmarketingSocial MediaX (Twitter)

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
