Journalists: do NOT upgrade to iOS14 today
Apple's big iOS and iPad update arrives today. You do NOT want to install it today, if you use your iPhone or iPad for your journalism.
Apple announced last night that iOS14 (and iPadOS 14) would be available today — probably early evening UK time. I don't usually say this, but I strongly recommend you don't upgrade if your iPhone or iPad is central to your workflow. This is an unusual situation, and it's really important that you don't rush to upgrade.
Here's why:
Apple's short notice release shock
Although the new operating systems have been through their normal beta process, Apple traditionally gives app developers a week's notice of the release, and gives them access to the golden master (GM) build of the operating system. That allows them to build their app using the final version of the development tools, test it against the final version, and submit it to the App Store approval process.
This time, Apple didn't give developers a week's notice. They gave them 24 hours.
That means that many, and possibly even a majority, of iOS14-compatibility updates will not be available for your apps. Many will work fine, despite that. Some will not.
You DO NOT want to hit a bug right in the middle of a critical interview, or a piece of filming, or anything vital to getting your reporting out there.
(Quite why Apple seems to intent on pissing off its developers at the moment is quite beyond me.)
Good upgrade advice
I'd hold off to the weekend at least, if you can. And it's generally good advice to hang on for the iOS14.1 release, which will probably only be six to eight weeks out.
I know the new shiny is so very tempting — I've been running the iPadOS 14 Beta on my iPad Pro for over a month now — but if you rely on your kit to get your job done, play it safe.
Don't believe me? Here's the BBC's mojo mastermind Marc:
This is now today and it’s very good advice. I’ve seen lots of tweets from developers and others that their apps - as well as bits of iOS 14 itself - are just not ready. https://t.co/tGsH0Js8ju
— Marc Blank-Settle (@MarcSettle) September 16, 2020
And here's the makers of FilmicPro, the video app must-have for iOS:
Attention Creatives: We will be updating our app portfolio to #iOS14 all this week. If you are in the middle of mission critical work, we suggest staying on iOS 13 until the weekend to minimize any possible complications. Thank you! pic.twitter.com/xez0x9Kngy
— FiLMiC Pro || Firstlight || DoubleTake (@FiLMiCPro) September 15, 2020
Play it safe, folks. Ignore the upgrade rush. You know it makes sense.
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