mobile journalism

Podcasting news round-up Paid Members Public
A quick round-up of stories about Podcasting, from Apple's analytics change, to some cool new mics from Røde.

Journalists: do NOT upgrade to iOS14 today Paid Members Public
Apple's big iOS and iPad update arrives today. You do NOT want to install it today, if you use your iPhone or iPad for your journalism.

Apple's mobile journalism porn Paid Members Public
Another great example of iPhone filmmaking - with a useful kit list.

Swap a coffee for smartphone journalism superpowers Paid Members Public
Marc Settle [] : > […] if the money on just one coffee a week went instead towards an app, within a few months that smartphone would have acquired new powers (and you might even have lost a few pounds from your waistline). Marc,

How mobile journalism can get you killed Paid Members Public
Caroline Scott finds that mojo has some unexpected dangers in war zones from an interview with Nick Garnett of BBC 5Live [] : > “For years I have been extolling the virtues of small, hand-held devices, on the basis that they are non-intrusive,

Don't miss this Kickstarter for the #mojo crowd Paid Members Public
If you’re into mobile journalism – and you probably should be – this kickstarter is worth backing: To be clear, it’s already at three times over its target – and will probably hit four times before its done. But its a chance to get your hands on useful device pretty early.

A documentary (sort of) shot on an iPhone Paid Members Public
Here’s another example of a serious documentary being shot on an iPhone: The thing that baffles me about this – or, at least, which isn’t made clear in the video – is why, once you go to the hassle of shooting with huge cinema lenses, would you add to your