canon cameras

A macro lens with a built in light? Sign me up Paid Members Public
This either awesome [] – or a complete gimmick… (Apologies for the cheese, but kudos to the fictional couple for keeping a camera for so long. Very sustainable…) The EF-M 28mm
Video test: Canon Ixus 130 vrs Flip MinoHD 3rd Gen Paid Members Public
One element of my job I need to keep reminding myself to revisit is video technology. The kit available in this area is changing so fast, that recommendations I make to journalists need to move just as fast. I’m mainly interested in the low end kit, the cameras you
Shooting Video on a DSLR Paid Members Public

LeWeb: My Liveblogging Kit Paid Members Public
The kit I used to liveblog LeWeb '09
On Tuttle, Canon and the Multimedia Journalist Paid Members Public
For example, my conference photography often gets noticed (eg [] ), and I’m normally shooting that on a DSLR on the long end of a telephoto zoom, with the ISO pushed as high as it will go. You