change management

Going Online: Be Brave (from 2008) Paid Members Public
10 years I wrote something about restructuring editorial teams for digital, but lacked the courage to publish it. I should have found the courage.
The stranglehold of the journalistic orthodoxy Paid Members Public
The stranglehold of the journalistic orthodoxy [] A brutal condemnation of the mindset that has stopped traditional journalism embracing change – and still does – from Om Malik: > Instead of trying to understand this change in behavior, the media establishment kept saying, “It’s not

The FT gets an innovation editor Paid Members Public
The Financial Times has appointed a new innovation editor [] John Thornhill moves from deputy editor to innovation editor. > Thornhill will oversee the FT’s award-winning global comment team to transform the way the FT commissions, edits and publishes commentary on
Meaning - Stefania Druga: Saving the world, one play session at a time Paid Members Public
Warning: Liveblogging. Prone to error, inaccuracy and terrible, terrible crimes against grammar. This post will be improved over the next 24 hours [] Stefania Druga [] equips people to solve their own problems through
Buttry academic goodness, the new home for digital journalism proponents? Paid Members Public
Steve Buttry is heading into journalism education [] : > The next chapter of my career will be at Louisiana State University. After I wrap up my work at Digital First Media July 1, I will become the Lamar Visiting Scholar at LSU’s
Don't do more with less, do different forms of journalism Paid Members Public
Fascinating insight into Kevin Anderson’s first few months back in a newsroom [] : > When I landed in my new job as executive editor of two newspapers in Wisconsin, I had to prioritise what I would do, and to be honest, I didn’
A litmus test for digital newsrooms Paid Members Public
Kevin Anderson [] : > Are we still struggling to get journalists to add links to their stories, to do the most basic elements of digital production, in 2013? Really? What would happen if a journalist consistently turned in half-finished copy for tomorrow’s newspaper? Yes,
Journalism's Groundhog Day - the excuse that won't die Paid Members Public
[] Today’s the day that all the old arguments about what’s gone wrong with journalism and publishing come out to play: David Higgerson has discovered that the “original sin” argument that giving away our content free