
PubSubHubub: fat pings for publishers Members Public

Here’s an issue many people aren’t aware of: > Does Google Reader really only poll feeds once an hour? [] Bit of a fail for use on a news desk if so #journalism [] — John Thompson (@johncthompson) November

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Cool Content: Anthony Palmer on capturing the Olympic Park Members Public

Anthony Palmer has spent the last few years working for the Olympic Delivery Authority [], capturing and communicating the process of building the Olympic park. He’s going to condense to 20 minutes that took four years to do… In March 2008, the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Calling a blog a blog Members Public

Andy Boyle [] : > It’s time to stop bifurcating your content as blogs and news because they run on separate systems. It is all content, so why not call it that? Even if you have outside people writing posts on your website

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

A Few Slightly Geeky Journo Links Members Public

Time for some links: * One of the most consistent themes I hear when talking to journalists around the country is frustration with the web publishing CMS they have to deal with (especially if they’ve ever used any blog platform). In that light, this post about the BBC’s new

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Thanks to my RBI Guest Bloggers Members Public

I’ve had one of those roller-coaster ride first day back at work sort of days. We are most certainly in a time of rapid change… However, I can’t let the day pass without saying a big thank you to my guest bloggers while I was away: 1. James

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

A CMS wish list Members Public

* Covers all stages of the workflow, from something being commissioned to it being published (in print or on the web) * Is happy with copy, print layout, web page layout, and images (as well as other media) * Shows the relationship (if any) between these elements, and between print and web versions


Afternoon Coffee Reading Members Public

[] Catching my attention this lovely Wednesday afternoon, as the sunbeams dance over my desk… - Alison Gow lists [the social media tools journalists should be using]( - Meanwhile, Lloyd

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Morning Coffee Reading Members Public

[] A harvest of fine reading scythed from my RSS feeds over a pre-commute coffee: - Steve Yelvington talks about the [new open source content management system]( he’s working on – and

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth