community management
Delete in Haste, Repent at Leisure Paid Members Public
Great post from Martin Belam about transparency, criticism, publishing and the web []: > *If you are going to make changes to your site in response to criticism, be transparent about it. ‘Stealth edits’ will only lead to
Job: Web Community Manager Paid Members Public
I don’t normally do this sort of thing, but I have a feeling some good candidates for this job could be reading my blog.*Estates Gazette*, one of RBI’s leading magazines, is recruiting for a [web community manager](
Do you build or nuture communities? Paid Members Public
This is all interesting stuff: > you can’t build a community it is either there or it’s not. You know you have a community if it takes care of itself YOU are the asset of a community and not the other way around the best community leaders come
Understanding Participation in Online Communities Paid Members Public
I’ve stumbled across three really, really good posts on understanding the growth curves and problem points in online communities. I think these are required reading for anyone trying to build a community around their publishing brand: Community by the Numbers: 1. Group Thresholds [
Why Journalists Shy Away From Commenters Paid Members Public
I’m inclined to believe that these reactions are born of three things: 1. **The lack of defined community around national newspapers. **This leads to a lack of consequences. You aren’t discussing with your peers or neighbours, but with random strangers. Misbehaviour has no particular social consequence. The worse
How To Be a Community Editor (in 2 posts or less) Paid Members Public
Two links to help budding community editors get better…
Blog Azeroth: Mashing Blogging and Forums Paid Members Public
First up: what was the motivation for starting the site?“Well, [Bellwether]( was lamenting the fact that she and I kept writing about similar things and wished there were a way for druids to get together and talk once a month… I figured that gettng together
Links: The Community Conversation Paid Members Public
So, back in the office. First proper day back at work, and despite a few of last year’s niggle raising their heads again, I’m still pretty positive about the year ahead – and looking forward to some new challenges that are on the horizon. More on that when I