
Missing you, Dad Paid Members Public
Nearly 14 years gone, now. I still miss him, but try to bring the best of his skills as a Dad to my relationship with Hazel and Iris.
At 5.45am Paid Members Public
I’d been awake for about 20 minutes before my iPhone blared into life; Wake Up Boo filled the bedroom, and I leapt off the bed to switch it off before my wife woke. As is my habit, I flicked the phone off airplane mode, and gave my e-mails a
10 Years Ago #2 Paid Members Public
[] []( 10 years ago today, I lost my Dad. That’
Losing Battles and Other Journalists' Clichés Paid Members Public
 []People don’t lose battles with cancer []. From the BBC’
Photo Friday: Father Paid Members Public
 *Submitted to [Photo Friday]( : [Father]( without any thought of getting a “notable”.*I lost my father to cancer nearly three
More from the archive Paid Members Public
A photo of Roy Tinworth, my Dad, from the 1960s.
A face from the past Paid Members Public
The picture above is a real piece of family history. Having the chance to look at, preserve and even publish this makes me very thankful for modern technology. My uncle posted this and a large range of other old pictures to my Mum, as he was cleaning out Grandma’s