danah boyd
Le Web: danah boyd on Social Network Visibility Paid Members Public
![danah boyd at Le Web](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/assets_c/2009/12/danah boyd at Le Web-thumb-250x374-1521.jpg) [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2009/12/danah-boyd-at-Le-Web.jpg] Your experience of the social web is not the same as everyone else’s. Your experience of the web is shaped
Twitterwalls: Do They Need Curation? Paid Members Public
Ouch. This is a painful, but compelling, read: > I walked off stage and immediately went to Brady and asked what on earth was happening. And he gave me a brief rundown. The Twitter stream was initially upset that I was talking too fast. My first response to this was:
Ways to Warm to Wikipedia Paid Members Public
The good Doctor Tinworth, my wife Lorna, has told me many times how Wikipedia is becoming a battleground in universities, particularly in the sciences. More and more students are handing in papers which cite only Wikipedia as a source. Anyone who knows anything about how scientific literature functions, and the