digital news report

Finding sceptical news audiences on social media

Finding news audiences in the social media shift Members Public

In the first of a series of pieces inspired by the 2024 Reuters Institute Digital News Report, we look at the dramatic changes happening in social and what they mean for you.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
reuters institute

Digital News Report 2023: the social challenge for audience growth Members Public

2023’s Reuters Institute Digital News Report makes for grim reading. But, for the savvy, audience-centric journalist, there’s opportunity here, too.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience strategy

Digital News Report 2021: a good crisis for the media? Members Public

Four European journalists discuss the findings of the latest edition of the annual research into news, and how it compares with their own titles' pandemic experiences.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
digital news report

Digital News Report 2020: the trust crisis and its solutions Members Public

2020's edition of the Reuters Institute Digital News Report is dominated, as you would expect, with the changes wrought by the pandemic. But there's an underlying trends that's worth focusing on.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
reuters institute

Digital News Report 2019 launch: connecting with readers and building trust in news Members Public

The annual Reuters Institute Digital News Report was published today β€” and a panel discussed the implications for journalism of its key findings. Here's my notes.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
reuters institute