
Commercial lessons from the Black Ballad founderโ€™s newsletter Members Public

How a weekly newsletter has become central to both the community building and monetisation of a ground-breaking website for black women.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Daisy Donald, principal, FT Strategies talking at the Future of Media Technology conference.

Using data to diversify your audience Members Public

How can data and AI analysis help you diversify your content, and attract new types of readers? FT Strategies think they have the answer.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How do we make independent publishing more diverse? Members Public

Too many of the big names of independent newsletters are white, male and from predictable backgrounds. What's stopping more diverse voices succeeding?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

PressPad: diversifying media during a pandemic Members Public

PressPad's mission to diversify journalism by providing access for young journalists to work opportunities has been knocked back by the pandemic. Here's what they're doing to recover โ€” and how you can help.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
crowd funding

British journalism still has a serious equality problem Members Public

Plenty of talented young female and BAME journalists are entering the industry โ€” but precious few are making the top ranks. Why is that?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Diverse journalism is better journalism: so please back PressPad Members Public

It's getting harder to get into journalism. That's not just down to the popularity of the profession, but the decline in routes in for those who aren't wealthy. PressPad is trying to fix that.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
crowd funding

Crowdfunding media diversity Members Public

An interesting RSA-backed initiative to increase diversity in the media [http://www.rsablogs.org.uk/2014/fellowship/big-idea-diversity-in-media/]: > In order to address and to reverse decades of under-representation of ethnic minority voices in the media, the team at Media Diversified [http://mediadiversified.org/about-us/the-team/] is running a crowdfunding

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Diversity makes for better journalism Members Public

[http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/assets_c/2014/03/AHquA2NPlOOjeBw0-3615.html] Today was a good day. A hard and difficult day, to be sure, but a good day. Around teaching the Newspaper MA students, and a meeting with Jon [http://hackademic.net] and Ben [http://benwhitelaw.co.uk] about the Interactive

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth