feed readers

The quiet renaissance of RSS Feeds Paid Members Public
After a quiet decade, we’re finally seeing some innovation in the RSS space, and the old school blogger in me is delighted.

RSS - the forgotten productivity tool that still works Paid Members Public
David Yates [https://davidyat.es/2017/05/18/rss-nothing-better/]: > “Damn. If only there was some system which allowed you to follow updates to blogs and websites you care about in a manner that ensured you never missed an update, could find new updates at a glance, and didn’t

A first look at Apple News Paid Members Public
It’s interesting to note that it has a “For You” option, just like [Apple Music](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2015/07/apple-music-curation-discovery-algorithems.html). That suggests we’ll see the same mix of algorithmic and human curation in the app.
Feedly criminally DDoSed in extortion scheme Paid Members Public
RSS reader service Feedly has been down for most of the day [http://blog.feedly.com/2014/06/11/denial-of-service-attack/]: > 2:04am PST – Criminals are attacking feedly with a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). The attacker is trying to extort us money to make it stop. We refused
Feedly goes pro Paid Members Public
[https://i2.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2013/08/feedly-Pro.png] Encouraging news this morning. Feedly – my RSS reader of choice in this post-Google Reader age – has launched a Pro plan [http://thenextweb.com/apps/2013/08/05/feedly-launches-5-per-month-pro-membership-to-provide-enhanced-security-search-and-more/] . Well, semi-launched one, anyway. Pro accounts will be $5
That's all she read: Google Reader RIP Paid Members Public
Google Reader last night: Google Reader this morning: You know, I thought I’d mourn, but I’m actually enjoying the revived ecosystem of apps and RSS Readers. It makes me wonder what other innovation is being stifled by Google’s dominant position.
Rekindling the RSS fire? Paid Members Public
A quick addendum to last night’s post – a quick cut of the analytics data from my blog shows Feedly [http://cloud.feedly.com/] and the Old Reader [http://theoldreader.com] emerging as growing referrers over the last couple of weeks. I am really enjoying seeing the range of readers
Remember: Google Reader dies in 48 hours… Paid Members Public
[https://i2.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2013/06/RSS-Fountain.jpg] If you’re reading this post in Google Reader – or an app that syncs with Google Reader – the you have around 48 hours to find a replacement. Google Reader dies on Monday. I’ve just written a