
The quiet renaissance of RSS Feeds Paid Members Public
After a quiet decade, we’re finally seeing some innovation in the RSS space, and the old school blogger in me is delighted.

RSS - the forgotten productivity tool that still works Paid Members Public
David Yates [https://davidyat.es/2017/05/18/rss-nothing-better/]: > “Damn. If only there was some system which allowed you to follow updates to blogs and websites you care about in a manner that ensured you never missed an update, could find new updates at a glance, and didn’t
The internet's breaking (Yahoo) Pipes Paid Members Public
The news that Yahoo is killing Yahoo Pipes [http://techcrunch.com/2015/06/04/yahoo-sunsets-yahoo-pipes-an-iftt-precursor-along-with-yahoo-maps-and-more/] has been met with more than a little mockery: > NOOOOO, NOT YAHOO PIPES! — Marco Arment (@marcoarment) June 4, 2015 [https://twitter.com/marcoarment/status/606553059540398080] (At least I assume it’s mockery. It’s
15 million die-hard RSS aficionados Paid Members Public
Martin Belam [http://martinbelam.com/2014/hello-world-slight-return/]: > And despite the die-hard afficianados, RSS is no longer a key content distribution channel. Of course, with some amusement, I read this in my RSS reader of choice [http://reederapp.com]. He’s right in that RSS never became a mainstream means
Feedly criminally DDoSed in extortion scheme Paid Members Public
RSS reader service Feedly has been down for most of the day [http://blog.feedly.com/2014/06/11/denial-of-service-attack/]: > 2:04am PST – Criminals are attacking feedly with a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). The attacker is trying to extort us money to make it stop. We refused
That's all she read: Google Reader RIP Paid Members Public
Google Reader last night: Google Reader this morning: You know, I thought I’d mourn, but I’m actually enjoying the revived ecosystem of apps and RSS Readers. It makes me wonder what other innovation is being stifled by Google’s dominant position.
Remember: Google Reader dies in 48 hours… Paid Members Public
[https://i2.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2013/06/RSS-Fountain.jpg] If you’re reading this post in Google Reader – or an app that syncs with Google Reader – the you have around 48 hours to find a replacement. Google Reader dies on Monday. I’ve just written a