
Images of Hamburg & the Reeperbahn Festival 2023 Paid Members Public
An annual dose of photography from Hamburg, during the height of the Reeperbahn Festival.

If it's Tuesday, it must be Hamburg Paid Members Public
I’m back in Germany, for the first time in over a year, and it’s strange not to be in Berlin, which is my most frequently-visited city of late. Instead, I’m in Hamburg, which is the new home of NEXT Festival [], which has relocated back
Now this is a magazine I want to read... Paid Members Public
[] …pity I don’t speak German []. Who says B2B has to be dull?
When in Berlin, Liveblog Paid Members Public
Berlin. Possibly the throbbing heart of continental Europe’s digital scene. Certainly the scene of one of my most over-written opening paragraphs in years. But then, what else can a city like this stimulate in you? One of the opening parties last night featured a woman dressed as a peacock.
Hiatus: Concluded Paid Members Public
[] And…I’m back.This blog has been on something of an unannounced hiatus, as I took a holiday in Germany, for a friend of my wife’s wedding, and I decompressed both from the internet and
One Man in Berlin Paid Members Public
Rather pleased with my hotel: Park Plaza Wallstreet Hotel, Berlin [] from Adam Tinworth [] on Vimeo []. (Martin assures me [