Buzzfeed and Vox Media: $1 billion businesses Paid Members Public
Old media is buying its way into new media, again, with NBCUniversal throwing cash at Buzzfeed and Vox Media [] : > BuzzFeed, meanwhile, is expected to be worth $1.5 billion after its NBCU investment, which multiple sources say is also $200 million — not
LeWeb: Fred Wilson on the wearable problem and the healthcare opportunity Paid Members Public
After meditation and a photography discussion, LeWeb proper kicks off with breakfast with a VC: Fred Wilson [] It’s not obvious at the time what the right investments. They’ve made investments in identity, mesh networks, healthcare and bitcoin this year – which is what they planned to

31-3.8 - Journalism will survive - but you might not recognise it Paid Members Public
The future of journalistic publication might not look very much like its past…
#leweb - Fred Wilson's three trends and four sectors to watch Paid Members Public
Fred likes to think about big macro trends – and how they come together. What are the most interesting opportunities that emerge – and how can they inver in them. He’s less interested in technology then in people, and how they’re going to behave. Trend 1: Tech-driven networks replace bureaucratic
Turkey: the new internet frontier? Paid Members Public
[] Efe Cakarel [], Founder, MUBI A global VoD platform [] that I’ve never heard of – I’m so very parochial. But isn’t everyone? As Efe points out,
Ex-Entrepreneurs and prediction failure Paid Members Public
[] Do entrepreneurs have a sense of the future? Based on the session at Le Web billed as being about the future they don’t have the first clue. When we spend more time talking about Kevin Rose
Can we have growth in a resource constrained world? Three MPs debate Paid Members Public
Panel * Greg Barker MP [], Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change * Caroline Lucas [], Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion * Norman Baker MP [], Under-Secretary of State for Transport GB: Efficiency is a
Can we use web metrics to improve print products? Paid Members Public
Catching up on my RSS feeds after my holiday, I came across this post in Jeff Jarvis’s blog []. One bullet point in particular struck me: > *** Some readers are not worth saving.** One newspaper killed its stock tables, saved $1 million,