editorial strategy
Are readers really seeking "good news"? Or are they actually after something else? Paid Members Public
The novel coronavirus traffic bump is declining. Should we seek positive news, instead? Or is there another option?

How Mashable lost its identity - and its way Paid Members Public
Lucia Moses on how Mashable killed itself [https://digiday.com/media/mashables-fire-sale-shows-limits-vc-funding/]: > The meme coverage that built Mashable was becoming commoditized. So Mashable used its new capital to hire Roberts and other pedigreed journalists. Soon, there were stories on terrorism and Ukraine leading the homepage, a big change for

Is The Times making its edition model work? Paid Members Public
You may recall that a year ago, The Times did an unexpected thing: it backed away from 24 hour rolling news on its websites, and switched instead to an editions model [https://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2016/03/times-digital-editions-relaunch.html] . The big question: did it work? The answer, based on
Newspapers' scale screw-up is no secret Paid Members Public
Digiday has published the confessions of a “senior publishing executive at a U.K newspaper” [http://digiday.com/publishers/confessions-newspaper-publishing-exec-weve-screwed-pursuing-scale-sake-scale/] . And it’s all “mea culpa”: > The digital media industry has completely screwed up by pursuing scale for the sake of scale. There’s been a relentless pursuit for
The costs of running Buzzfeed Paid Members Public
Gawker claims to have got ahold of Buzzfeed’s books [http://tktk.gawker.com/internal-documents-show-buzzfeed-s-skyrocketing-investm-1709816353] : > Editorial budget * In fiscal year 2011, BuzzFeed’s editorial budget was $858,780 [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2271007-buzzfeed-financial-documents.html#document/p20] * In 2012, it was $4,724,608 [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/
Journalists: get your liveblogging boots on the ground Paid Members Public
[https://i0.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2012/09/liveblogging-team.jpg] Well, this is a good quote [http://www.journalism.co.uk/news/12-liveblogging-tips-for-journalists/s2/a550338/] : > “We’ve sort of evolved to this bizarre thing where people sit within newsrooms and cover breaking events from afar,” Tinworth
One big secret of journalism change management Paid Members Public
Martin Couzins on modelling behaviour [http://itsdevelopmental.com/2012/modelling-behavior/]: > If you are the one who is trying to encourage others to try something out then a good place to start is to model the behavior ie actually use the tools and techniques you are helping others to adopt.