
Liveblogging: TEDxBrighton Members Public

[] I’m liveblogging TEDxBrighton: the Generation Gap all day today. Follow it on the TEDxBrighton site []… (and say hello if you’re there)

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Journalists: get your liveblogging boots on the ground Members Public

[] Well, this is a good quote [] : > “We’ve sort of evolved to this bizarre thing where people sit within newsrooms and cover breaking events from afar,” Tinworth

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
editorial strategy

Let me enter-train you: liveblogging and SEO Members Public

Had a fun day yesterday, running a bespoke training course for a property industry client with the talented, genial (and caustically funny) Steve Bustin of Vada Media []. Watching Steve – a former stand-up comedian – at work reminded me how much entertaining the people you are training helps

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The Zeitgeist Project - speakers liveblogged Members Public

The Zeitgeist Project [] is a response to the “noise” of all the consumer electronics companies ‘shouting’ their products at us at IFA []. It turns the idea on its head, focusing on the people and working back to the products. The eight invited curators are

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Liveblogging ahead: The Zeitgeist Project Members Public

I’m in Berlin for the day, here to liveblog a fascinating-sounding event called theZeitgeist Project []. It’s an antidote, if you like, to the consumer technology hype of an event like IFA. There’s an introductory video [] that gives you some idea

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Liveblogs! On a Podcast! Members Public

Rachel from was kind enough to interview me for a podcast on the fine and ancient art of liveblogging [] , alongside such luminaries as Neil Macdonald and Josh Halliday of something called “The Guardian“, which is some sort of

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
digital journalism

Life in the livestream; liveblogging and the news cycle - #newsrw Members Public

[] How are news organisations dealing with stream publishing? Kathryn Corrick directs the flow… Jason Mills, editor, web for ITV News: the ITV site is built on a stream. it shows that you don’t have to be a station to have a news channel. Raju

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web London 2012: Liveblogging ahead! Members Public

[] [![The Le Web London stage set](]( Le Web.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth