mobile internet

Non mobile-friendly sites are about to take a Google search hit Paid Members Public
When you Google your site do you see something like this? Let’s make that a little clearer: If you don’t, you have a problem. As of 21st April 2015 (the day this post is being published), Google isn’t just highlighting mobile-friendly sites in search results – it’s
Hacks/Hackers Brighton: a more Responsive Guardian Paid Members Public
I missed the first speaker – Sarah captured some notes in a Google Doc [] Andy Hume, The Guardian The Guardian pushes its content to multiple channels. It has the highest largest combined monthly digital and print readership of British quality titles. The
Mobile data is growing faster than you think Paid Members Public
Astonishing figures from the Three blog [] : > On the 31st December ’10 we recorded a huge 14TBs (terabytes) of data being used on Three. In 2011, that leapt to a staggering 80TBs of data. In real terms, that’
When is a phone not a phone? Paid Members Public
[] There’s a quite astonishing (to me at least) post on the Three blog today. Phil Sheppard has posted that [97% of the Three network’s traffic is data](
Five random thoughts on mobile Paid Members Public
[] Based on recent work: - There are an awful lot of high priest of cults masquerading as scientists in this space - Some companies price their offering solely based on how little their potential customers know -
Stupid Journalism Stunts #1 Paid Members Public
[] Once in a while, I could across something so mind-bogglingly stupid that I’m forced to sit, slack-jawed and drooling, while my brain tries to hide from the infectious power of THE STUPID. Here’s [
Le Web: Mobile Apps Paid Members Public
A good chunk of the morning has been taken up with talking about mobile, and its role in the future of the web. Jack Dorsey’s talk was about [Square](, his platform for mobile payments.The [Le Web iPhone app](