Nic Newman

Social Media, chat apps and journalism: people's news discussions are becoming private, not public Members Public

Facebook is in decline and the chat apps are rising. But it's more than algorithm changes, but a shift in people's behavior - how do we adapt?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Social Media

Digital News Report 2018: traffic from — and trust in — social media on the decline Members Public

The new Digital News Report is out - and things are looking grim in the intersection of social media and news. Here's a couple of preliminary observations.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
reuters institute

Predicting journalism’s 2018 - goodbye platforms, hello AI, and talking with Alexa Members Public

Oh, happy day. Those of us in the online journalism development business get an annual present a little later than Christmas. January is when Nic Newman’s annual Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions report hits. Today’s the day. I haven’t had the time to dive into

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Nic Newman: the rapidly changing landscape for news video Members Public

The rapid adoption of social video - the so-called "pivot to video" has not been well supported by research - until now. Nic Newman presents his early findings.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
360 video