Engagement: The RSA’s Schools without Walls event Paid Members Public
Liveblogged notes from the RSA event looking at increased community engagement with education, and ways of fostering it.

New RSA Fellowship cards…at last Paid Members Public
I’ve been a Fellow of the RSA for about six years now, invited to join the fellowship because of my “expertise in digital media” – something they were apparently short of at the time. I’ve enjoyed being a fellow, often use the RSA House as a meeting space or

Connectivity is the world's destiny, says Parag Khanna (RSA Event) Paid Members Public
The link between connectivity of various sorts and social change is something that’s almost bound to interest me, given that I’ve spent over a decade of my life thinking about how the internet changes the way we communicate with each other. And so I took myself off to
RSA - The Spirit of Cities Paid Members Public
One of the advantages of often using the RSA House [] as my London office is that there are some really excellent lunchtime events in my workplace. Today, Avner de-Shalit [], professor of democracy and human rights at the Hebrew University

RSA: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires Paid Members Public
Liveblogged notes from a talk by Tim Wu about the book The Rise and Fall or Information Empires, given at the RSA, London