The Times
Times New Roman: biography of a newspaper font Paid Members Public
This is an interesting watch: It’s part of The Times Unquiet Film Series [].
Reading The Times on Gin Lane Paid Members Public
[] Since this press release arrived, I’ve been struggling to find the words to blog about it: > For immediate release December 18, The Times newspaper has today launched a new premium London Dry Gin, called The
Buy The Times, get a tablet... Paid Members Public
Great offers that I don’t understand #56: The Times giving away or selling you a cheap Nexus 7 with a digital subscription [] . I see the concept – a digital sub AND the device to read it on. The problem? My experience of using
Sustainably profitable digital publishing - #newsrw Paid Members Public
Panel discussion on sustainable business models, chaired byKathryn Corrick, digital media consultant. Lucia Adams, The Times – When they launched a paywall, people predicted a disaster. But it hasn’t turned out that way, and now all the newspapers are trying to solve the same problem. The big change is the
Sunday Newspapers on the iPad Paid Members Public
[] It’s Sunday, and I’m on holiday – or as on holiday as an under-employed freelance consultant can be – and so my thoughts turn to those most vital components of a relaxing Sunday: coffee and the
Of Paywalls and Cupcakes Paid Members Public
It’s the tail end of the day, and I’m just emerging from a long meeting with my boss. It was a good meeting, but I’m tired and ready for a weekend. And then reception calls. A very puzzled security guy tells me there’s someone down there
Needs MOAR byline Paid Members Public
The problem with creating iPad apps in a print-like format is that, well, sometimes print-like errors slip through…