Pre-Pub Reading
Because I can’t justify calling it morning or afternoon coffee reading at this time of day…
Two from [The Telegraph]( "The Daily Telegraph") worth your time:
1. [Did AOL squander its investment in Bebo]( Nice piece of reporting and some insightful quotes from the [Headshift]( "Headshift") folks.
2. [Does Murdoch Understand Copyright]( – Shane picks at some recent statements by the Dark Lord of the Paywall, and finds evidence that he doesn’t understand the basics of, say, Google…
This [High Court ruling]( should make you think twice before the subbing instinct kicks in and you correct comments.
For the data-and-publishing geeks amongst you: [Structured Data and Content Management Systems](
And your bonus, end-of-the-day randomness: I love this idea for a blog: [food reviews and what to wear while eating it](
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