rupert murdoch
Jon Snow on phone-hacking and the decline of the press Paid Members Public
Fascinating post from Jon Snow on the whole Politics/Press/Broadcast issue [] thrown up by the phone-hacking saga: > The relationship between print and broadcasting has always been tense. We both resent and depend upon each other ‘out on the street’. But these days,
An experiment begins, Daily Paid Members Public
News International’s next experiment with paid content [] is about to begin: > Apple and News Corp. sent out invitations to a February 2 event to unveil The Daily. The press event will include News Corps. Chairman & CEO Rupert Murdoch and

Le Web: Marissa Mayer of Google Paid Members Public
Marissa Mayer’s appearances at LeWeb have never been particularly noteworthy []. She’s very good at giving the corporate line persuasively, but rarely gives out anything really juicy. It’s good to see Mike Arrington doing the
The Murdoch/Google Phony War Paid Members Public
In the end, a war on Google is a much more appealing spin on the newspapers’ current position than “we haven’t figured out how to make money online in a decade of trying”. They’ll blame Google, they’ll blame the shadowy cabal of infomation-must-be-free proponents [http://www.buzzmachine.
The Murdoch Plan: A Consortium Paid Members Public
And so, the Murdoch plan for content charging [,0,5961516.story] begins to become clear: > As newspapers across the country struggle with declining readership and > advertising revenue, News Corp. executives have been meeting in recent > weeks with publishers about forming a
Around the Blogs: Murdoch and Paywalls Paid Members Public
A few reactions to the News International news [] from earlier: * Shane Richmond of The Telegraph thinks that it will be a gift to the competition [] * Jeff Jarvis
The Second Paid Content Experiment Begins Paid Members Public
So, it’s happened, as we all knew it would. Rupert Murdoch is taking his online sites paid-for. From the BBC story on the announcement []: > In order to stop readers from moving to the huge number of free news
Pre-Pub Reading Paid Members Public
Because I can’t justify calling it morning or afternoon coffee reading at this time of day… Two from [The Telegraph]( "The Daily Telegraph") worth your time:1. [Did AOL squander its investment in Bebo](