Analytics for Journalists: some further reading
I’ve just finished* running a workshop on analytics for journalists at news:rewired this afternoon.
Here’s a selection of links I promised the attendees to allow them to explore some of the issues contained in the presentation in more detail:
- One Trinity Mirror sentence that spells the death knell of journalism – Roy Greenslade suggests that Trinity Mirror is sliding into clickbait journalism.
- How do you put the reader at the heart of every newsroom decision? – Trinity Mirror digital publishing director David Higgerson responds to Greenslade’s piece.
- Reach and impact: news metrics you can use – some sensible thoughts from The Guardian‘s soon-to-be executive editor for audience Mary Hamilton on measuring impact beyond the numbers.
- Content metrics aren’t bad, measuring the wrong things is bad – Kevin Anderson, Executive Editor, Lakes Group at Gannett, explores some of the dangers in metrics
- Time vs the news – Mary again, on the problems with attention as a measure.
- The Traffic Factories: Metrics at Chartbeat, Gawker Media, and The New York Times – A Tow Research Centre report into analytics use by Caitlin Petre
And let this fine five minute rant from The Guardian‘s Chris Moran be a lesson to you all:
## The Presentation *Actually, a lie – I wrote this at midnight the night before, and scheduled the post…Sign up for e-mail updates
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