
Morning Coffee Reading: Tools of the Trade Members Public

Some great links about digital journalism in 2009

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Blogging in the Mainstream: Blogger gets the Girl Members Public

Another sign that blogging is in the mainstream now: [via [The Blogger’s Blog](]

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

One Way To Sell Magazines Members Public

[via [Styledash](]

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

RBI for Sale: Coverage Continues Members Public

PSFK suggest that this marks a big retreat from advertising and a failure to get magazines online [] : > The story could suggest two things: an Adsense-fueled digital era has made old fashioned print ads irrelevant and therefore broken the business model for

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web 3 Missing Posts 1: 11 Thoughts from Doc Searls Members Public

Doc Searls [] gave what turned into a rapid fire presentation about 11 ideas he had about the future of the web. Here they are, in their abbreviated glory: 1. Bullshit will lose leveredge – advertising does not scale to the sky 2. Advertising as we

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Addendum To Last Post Members Public

Has the journalism industry been the architect of its own problems by persistently concealing the true cost of its products from consumers by deriving most of its revenue from advertising? Discuss…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

User Generated Pointlessness Members Public

I know the whole idea of “user generated content” is vastly divisive. Some people see it as a great idea, some as a patronising view of people in general and others as an embarrassing attempt by brands to cash in on new Web 2.0 technologies.But some examples strike

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

YouTube Backlash Underway Members Public

This caught me by surprise at the end of a video I was watching: [] Of course: they wouldn’t want their video on show somewhere they can’t serve ads around it, would they?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth