
A new look for OM&HB e-mail subscriptions Members Public

I've just updated the way my blog handles e-mail updates. This si the age of the newsletter…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Understanding Facebook's quasi-journalistic trending algorithm Members Public

Facebook fired the human journalists working on its trending section (see posts passim [] ) and replaced them with algorithmic journalists [] . It went…uh…well: > Over the weekend, the fully automated Facebook trending

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

IFTTT: the natural successor to Yahoo Pipes Members Public

Paul Bradshaw reminds us that IFTTT [] is the natural inheritor of Yahoo Pipes’s mantle [] : > The proposition was a clear one: if you’re having to anything more than once, get IFTTT to do it for you. Cross-posting from

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth