farmers weekly
The Victorian Age of (poultry) Publishing Paid Members Public
[] I’m a sucker for the history of our titles, and I often think it’s a shame that we don’t do more with the vast archives some of our magazines have developed. So [this blog post](http:
Journalism/Community Job Going on Farmers Weekly Paid Members Public
[] I’ve often blogged about Farmers Weekly [] and the great work they’ve done in creating a cross-platform brand. They’ve got a great forum [
Video Journalism: Harvesting, Editing and Gadgets Paid Members Public
That last video from the Caterer folks reminded me about just how diverse the range of video we’re doing in RBI is right now. Here’s a few more examples to while away the last few minutes of the working day:[Farmers Weekly’s Emily](

Should Hyperlocal be Hyperniche? Paid Members Public
What one heck of a sheep says about modern journalism.
Video: Guns, Garments and the Game Fair Paid Members Public
I went to the CLA Game Fair some years ago as a guest of a property firm and really, really enjoyed myself. I’ve never managed to get back there, but this video from the Farmers Weekly team makes me want to: [via [Tim](
Recommended Read Paid Members Public
I knew I liked Waitrose.(Yes, Farmer’s Weekly is one of ours. Although, I have no idea how many farmers shop in the Beckenham store…)
Get Orf My Laaaaaand... Paid Members Public
I’m being baited. By a farmer [] . Inconceivable.
Waitrose CEO talks Credit Crunch Paid Members Public
I rather like this short interview Farmers Weekly columnist and blogger Matthew Naylor did with Mark Price, CEO of Waitrose [] : Quick, to the point and touches on the issues that both farmers and consumers care about. Besides, I’m