Journalism/Community Job Going on Farmers Weekly Paid Members Public
[] I’ve often blogged about Farmers Weekly [] and the great work they’ve done in creating a cross-platform brand. They’ve got a great forum [

Should Hyperlocal be Hyperniche? Paid Members Public
What one heck of a sheep says about modern journalism.
Video: Guns, Garments and the Game Fair Paid Members Public
I went to the CLA Game Fair some years ago as a guest of a property firm and really, really enjoyed myself. I’ve never managed to get back there, but this video from the Farmers Weekly team makes me want to: [via [Tim](
Waitrose CEO talks Credit Crunch Paid Members Public
I rather like this short interview Farmers Weekly columnist and blogger Matthew Naylor did with Mark Price, CEO of Waitrose [] : Quick, to the point and touches on the issues that both farmers and consumers care about. Besides, I’m
Phil Clarke: The Robert Peston of Farming? Paid Members Public
[] Another new RBI blog launch I’ve been working on in recent weeks: Phil Clarke’s Business Blog []. It’s another blog from the growing stable of Farmers Weekly blogs,
Cooking with a Farmer's Wife (from FWi) Paid Members Public
Another venture into video from one of our magazines. [Farmers Weekly is doing cookery](
Healthy Traffic Competition Paid Members Public
[] I’m back at work, nose to the grindstone, and catching up on what our ever-growing stable of bloggers has been up to while I was offline and out of mind. And, while rambling through our rural
Foot and Mouth Yet Again Paid Members Public
Another suspected Foot & Mouth case [] . Joy.