
Reports of Google+'s death have been greatly exaggerated Paid Members Public
Google+ is still being developed. For now.

#b2bhuddle : Livia Giulia Zuppardo on Google+ Paid Members Public
A liveblog of Livia Giulia Zuppardo talking at the B2B Huddle
Google+ Hangouts get stereo music Paid Members Public
A new audio feature for the star of Google+ - Hangouts.

The two things Google+ does brilliantly Paid Members Public
Google+ may be faltering - but Hangouts and Photos are two of its best features.

Google+ circles Flipboard - and other news Paid Members Public
Bradley Horowitz tells LeWeb London about where Google+ is going next…

The inevitable happened: Google+ in search Paid Members Public
Google has integrated information from your Google+ Circles into search.

Google+ Pages: the other +shoe drops Paid Members Public
Google+ launches its Pages product for marketing on the service.
Google+ Circle counts arrive in search results Paid Members Public
Google is starting to show authors' Circle count in search, as a mark of authority.
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