The Two Tier Tablet Market Members Public

In the shadow of a hurricane, Google launched some new tablets [] , a phone and a revamp of the latest version of Android. Pondering this, I’ve come to the comclusion that we’ve actually got two tiers of tablets [http://nextberlin.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The axe falls at Apple Members Public

Big news from Cupertino []: > Apple announced on Monday a major reorganisation of the top leadership of the company that leaves SVP of iOS Software Scott Forstall out of the picture. Forstall will be leaving Apple next year. iOS6 Maps claims its first casualty. And

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Deep follows wide - why Facebook went native Members Public

Facebook’s own reasoning for dumping the HTML5 wrapper app on iOS and going native [] : > By allowing us to write once and ship across multiple platforms, HTML5 has historically allowed us to keep the Facebook mobile experience current and widely available,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The HTML5 speed tax Members Public

It’s odd, given how much HTML5 is celebrated as the grand panacea that will save us all from nasty native apps, that what should be the flagship example – the Facebook app – has just shifted from HTML5 to a native app on iOS []: > This

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Who wins in the Google versus Apple battle? Us Members Public

[] Fraser Spiers []: > I’m not a Google hater. In many ways, I rather wish that we could turn the clock back to 2007 and that

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Why the Android/iOS battle isn't just about numbers Members Public

[] Here’s the reason one mobile developer is getting out of the Android game []: > We spent about 20% of our total man-hours last year dealing with Android

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#ftmedia12 - Wikipedia and harnessing the power of social media Members Public

Wikipedia is becoming increasingly important to our information landscape - but how reliable is it, and how well-balanced are its contributors?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
community management

#futureofmobile - a few more observations Members Public

[] - We underestimate the impact of the mobile as the computer everyone has in their pockets at our peril. - The impact is less likely to be an evolution of what we do on the web

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth