kevin anderson

Every journalist needs a Plan B Members Public

Have you prepared your post-journalism back-up plan? [] On a day I met with a talented, digital-centric former colleague who has recently been made redundant, this piece by Kevin Anderson strikes a nerve: > Last summer, I noticed that a college classmate had joined

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Digital journalism: time for invention, not migration Members Public

Kevin Anderson [] : > For too long we’ve been trying to find a market for the same products that we used to deliver in print, and that just won’t work. We can’t simply write that local council story the same way

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
digital journalism

Don't do more with less, do different forms of journalism Members Public

Fascinating insight into Kevin Anderson’s first few months back in a newsroom [] : > When I landed in my new job as executive editor of two newspapers in Wisconsin, I had to prioritise what I would do, and to be honest, I didn’

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
change management

A litmus test for digital newsrooms Members Public

Kevin Anderson [] : > Are we still struggling to get journalists to add links to their stories, to do the most basic elements of digital production, in 2013? Really? What would happen if a journalist consistently turned in half-finished copy for tomorrow’s newspaper? Yes,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
change management

A Few Slightly Geeky Journo Links Members Public

Time for some links: * One of the most consistent themes I hear when talking to journalists around the country is frustration with the web publishing CMS they have to deal with (especially if they’ve ever used any blog platform). In that light, this post about the BBC’s new

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Publishing Saviours? I’m an Atheist Members Public

Kevin Anderson responding [] to my post [] from yesterday: > Senior leaders in the industry aren’t looking for strategies, they are looking for a saviour. They want some supernatural – or

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Morning Coffee Reading: Post-Easter Link Dump Members Public

Some heavyweight stuff that’s been sitting in my tabs over the holiday weekend: - [A last act of insanity by delusional content companies]( – Kevin Anderson, who seems to have been liberated to write by taking voluntary redundancy from [The Guardian](http://www.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
alan patrick

Participatory Culture and Traditional Media Members Public

Kevin Anderson on why people participate in online communities [] and share content on them: > I can tell you why I bother. A global culture of participation has been, for me, key in meeting one of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Belonging [http:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth