My (Twitter) cards are marked Paid Members Public
Well huzzah: > Hello Adam Tinworth, Your request to be included in Twitter Cards has been approved. We’ve activated Summary and Photo cards for * I’m becoming such a markup geek. (No idea what I’m talking about? Here’s the Twitter cards documentation [https://dev.twitter.
Will AuthorRank atomise your publishing brand into individual journalists? Paid Members Public
[] I’ve just finished another session of my SEO for Journalists [] course, run via I love running this course – not only do I get paid for it
Google Authorship, analytics and the personalisation of search Paid Members Public
John Pozadzides of has spotted something interesting – Google has started including authorship analytics in some people’s Google+ pages []. Authorship, you might recall [] , is the markup you can add to your webpages,
Highlight: metadata for the people around you Paid Members Public
[] The app of the show, in terms of meetings, seems to be Highlight []. I’ve just been notified by it that there are 30 people who might be of interest to me around me
Content is just another data set Paid Members Public
 Sarah Hartley, as part of her prediction that [2012 might be the year that hyperlocals come of age](> Prediction two: Location,

Google Authorship, Open Graph and other techie challenges Paid Members Public
Experimenting with new metadata from Facebook and Google.
Making rNews - the semantic web for journalism Paid Members Public
If Tuesday’s Mobile Strategies Conference was unchallenging [] at times, Monday night’s Hacks/Hackers London event [] was the exact opposite – brain-bending and stretching even for those of us on
JP Rangaswami on Sharing Acitivity in Businesses Paid Members Public
Who owns this data? That’s a key question in a data-driven world. However, within a company, drawing together shouldn’t be complicated – there’s no rocket science in Facebook, for example. It’s built of pre-existing elements whose technological basis is well-known. The first step is to think about
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