movable type 4

Giving OM&HB a little CloudFlare Members Public

[![Image representing CloudFlare as depicted in C...]()]( via [CrunchBase]( brief diversion into administrivia. People with no interest in self-hosted blog platforms can move right along. There’s nothing for the like of you here. 🙂This blog has languished

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog platforms

Revamping Flight's Blogs Members Public

RBI’s creative services [] did the design work, creating a standard look on top of the provided Six Apart default templates, which could be customised on a per blog basis with an individual header. We used Mark Carey’s Template Exporter

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog design

Month(s) of Hell Update Members Public

Well, it looks like the long wait is finally over. The training is complete, the load testing done, and the templates upgraded. If all things go according to plan, we’ll be running our blogs on [Movable Type 4]( from tomorrow afternoon.Wish us luck…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Server Upgrade: Video Status Report Members Public

Watch me stumble over technical stuff on Seesmic:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog platforms

Downgrading the Upgrade Date Members Public

![Frustration]( 16-thumb-150x112.jpg) [] One of those days.We’ve been planning the upgrade of our Movable Type servers for months now. I thought – hoped, even – that we’d press the button and do

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The BBC Blogs Beat us to Movable Type 4 Members Public

Nicholas, the chap in charge of the technical side of our MT4 upgrade, emailed this story about the BBC’s blog upgrade [] this morning. They’ve beaten us to Movable Type 4, probably helped by the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Work Update: Testing Movable Type 4 Members Public

[] Ah, first day back at work after several days off sick, and right into server upgrade hell. The good news: we have a fully working “snapshot” upgrade of our current Movable Type Enterprise install into Movable

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
movable type

Go on, Leave a Comment Members Public

I’ve just unleashed (ooh, dramatic word) the full community power of Movable Type 4, for the benefit of both my readers. You can now comment here using your Typekey [], Vox [], Livejournal [] or other OpenID [http://openid.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth