
Afternoon Tea Reading: National Newspapers Members Public

Some links about our friends in the nationals that have been hanging around in my Chrome tabs for too long now: * The Independent has switched its blogs from Livejournal to WordPress [] . Makes sense. LJ always seemed like an odd fit. * The Guardian

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Complexity is the New Reality Members Public

A rather excellent rant from Mr Paul Bradshaw on theCuration is King cliché [] that’s doing the rounds right now. Go and read it, and then join me back here… Did you enjoy it? I think there’s an important point underlying all

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

End of an Era Members Public

The grand experiment is about to begin: [![](]( Now we find out if pay walls can work…Location:[The Quadrant,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Things I Failed To Blog About Members Public

Just clearing down some tabs that I meant to blog about – but never got around to. They’re worth a look, though. 1. [Some really interesting stuff about journalists as programmers]( Bet nobody clicks that link on a sunny Friday afternoon with the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The Paywalled Times: An Online Private Members' Club? Members Public

And so it begins. After a launch event last night (which was invited to but was unable to attend, alas), *[The Times](* and *[The Sunday Times](* have begun the four week transition to their new online model.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Paywalls, Apps and the Frontline Club Members Public

Last night I took myself off to the Frontline Club, for a discussion on digital media, mobiles and paywalls [] – based on the question “Will Apple save media?”. All relevant, cool and topical stuff. However, I should have known that the presence of

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Our Turbulent National Press Members Public

We’ve had the digital exodus from The Guardian. We’ve had the dethroning of [Will Lewis]( "William Lewis (journalist)") at *The Telegraph*.And now, [The Guardian]( and

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
national newspapers

Noted In Passing Members Public

* Kevin Anderson writes about the wikification of news [] – its move towards more collaborative models online * Dave Lee notes that recent moves by The Guardian look suspiciously like creating a network of niche B2B sites – and asks if that paves the way for some

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth