Cuttings #2: the social media diaspora Paid Members Public
If you think that one site will replace Twitter or Facebook, I have some bad news. That's not the emerging dynamic…
Pinterest opens up as a developer platform Paid Members Public
Pinterest is the quiet powerhouse of the social media world, driving more traffic than, say, Twitter, yet receiving much less attention. This change should make things more interesting: > The company says developers who integrate Pinterest sign-in will be able to offer users “a personalized, curated experience based on their
The Mighty Marvel Pinterest Paid Members Public
Marvel Comics launches Pinterest and Tumblr accounts [http://marvel.com/news/story/19181/marvel_unveils_pinterest_and_tumblr_accounts] . A visual content publisher promotes itself on visual aggregation and sharing sites. Utterly simply, perfect match. I could do without the “begging for engagement” comments under every image, though: “What do
How very, very Pinteresting Paid Members Public
I’m finding new social media darling Pinterest compelling and entertaining. It does what so many people use Tumblr for – visual curation – better, and in a more agreeable layout.A few relevant links:- Some [Pinterest Demographic Data](http://www.ignitesocialmedia.com/social-networks/pinterest-demographic-data/) - How [Pinterest is changing website
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