
Post about the art and strategies of professional publishing, from business models to platforms, and more.

One Man & His Blog is now running on Ghost 2.0 Members Public

I've just updated the Ghost CMS I use to run this blog to version 2.0 - and it's a little glimpse of the future.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Apple's acquisition of Texture, and what it might mean for the iOS news ecosystem Members Public

Apple has acquired a major US digital magazine subscription service. If you needed evidence it was serious about Apple News, this is it. But does this mean publishers should take Apple News more seriously?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
apple news

Medium, serialization and the death of Matter Members Public

Talking of Medium, as we were [] , Matt Locke had a great idea on how Medium could bring a new but familiar business model to the journalism web [] : > There is another, intriguing possibility – building a

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Bobbie Johnson

The new original sin of online publishing Members Public

John Battelle thinks we actually figured out online publishing a decade ago – and then we screwed it up. How? We handed power to the social networks []: > Again, for emphasis: despite all the whizzy bang-y social media we’ve invented these past ten years,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Are ebook sales really in decline? Members Public

Some sobering news for ebook enthusiasts [] in the New York Times: > Sales of adult books fell by 10.3 percent in the first three months of 2016, and children’s books dropped by 2.1 percent. E-book sales

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
digital disruption

Why Apple created its News app Members Public

Apple’s Eddie Cue, speaking to CNN’s Brian Stelter: > “We’ve only created the apps that we think everyone uses every day… We really wanted to create a single app that all customers could go to, to read all their news — no matter what they are interested in,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
apple news

The costs of running Buzzfeed Members Public

Gawker claims to have got ahold of Buzzfeed’s books [] : > Editorial budget * In fiscal year 2011, BuzzFeed’s editorial budget was $858,780 [] * In 2012, it was $4,724,608 [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

The magazine that's published on Instagram Members Public

Here’s an interesting data point in the discussion of publishing content natively into social media. A magazine that is published on Instagram []: > Angie explained to me that Instagram perfectly suited her vision for The Shade Room: image-centric and

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth