Post about the art and strategies of professional publishing, from business models to platforms, and more.

One Man & His Blog is now running on Ghost 2.0 Paid Members Public
I've just updated the Ghost CMS I use to run this blog to version 2.0 - and it's a little glimpse of the future.

Medium, serialization and the death of Matter Paid Members Public
Talking of Medium, as we were [] , Matt Locke had a great idea on how Medium could bring a new but familiar business model to the journalism web [] : > There is another, intriguing possibility – building a

The new original sin of online publishing Paid Members Public
John Battelle thinks we actually figured out online publishing a decade ago – and then we screwed it up. How? We handed power to the social networks []: > Again, for emphasis: despite all the whizzy bang-y social media we’ve invented these past ten years,

Are ebook sales really in decline? Paid Members Public
Some sobering news for ebook enthusiasts [] in the New York Times: > Sales of adult books fell by 10.3 percent in the first three months of 2016, and children’s books dropped by 2.1 percent. E-book sales

Why Apple created its News app Paid Members Public
Apple’s Eddie Cue, speaking to CNN’s Brian Stelter: > “We’ve only created the apps that we think everyone uses every day… We really wanted to create a single app that all customers could go to, to read all their news — no matter what they are interested in,
The costs of running Buzzfeed Paid Members Public
Gawker claims to have got ahold of Buzzfeed’s books [] : > Editorial budget * In fiscal year 2011, BuzzFeed’s editorial budget was $858,780 [] * In 2012, it was $4,724,608 [